The bust of Duiliu Zamfirescu is made in marble by the sculptor Alexandru Călinescu. Placed in 1943, it is one of the twelve busts in the Writers’ Round in Cișmigiu Garden.
Other works by Al. Călinescu in Bucharest are exhibited in the National Military Museum, the National Theater Museum, the Zambaccian Museum. Alexandru Călinescu made the two bronze bas-reliefs on the southern facade of the Arc de Triomphe representing King Ferdinand and Queen Maria.

Who was Duiliu Zamfirescu?

Poet, prose writer, playwright, Duiliu Zamfirescu (1858 – 1922) wrote poems, short prose, plays.
His most important contribution to the development of Romanian literature is represented by the novels from the Comăneșteni Cycle (Country life, Tănase Scatiu, In war, Indreptări, Anna, what can’t be done). To these is added the first epistolary novel in our literature, Lydda. Through his work, the novelist offers us the complex image of Romanian society at the end of the 19th century.
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